It’s that time again, the start a month-long SimplyBetter Growth Challenge. April was about marketing, a broad area that allowed me to build momentum. May was focused on recording videos. I am now comfortable on camera and have done a series of FaceBook live videos. Amazing success considering my awful first few videos.
After two successful months, I have now built up enough momentum to tackle what is probably my biggest challenge, interrupting people. This is the habit I would most like to change in myself, so June is about listening.
How will I know if I have done my daily behavior? This one is a bit more challenging than the last two. The behavior I am going for is active listening, allowing others to finish their thoughts before I consider what they said and respond. Awareness is a good start, but I will have to reflect on my conversations to know how I did. I am up for the challenge!
What have you done to change a stubborn bad habit?
PS – There is still time to join the FB group to help you through your June challenge. Comment below or message me to get started.