Deliberate practice

Written by Jim Chaput
After a 19-year career in financial services, Jim left a leadership position to focus on health and fitness. Jim is a Master Practitioner of Applied Movement Neurology and holds Certificates in Applied Functional Science and 3DMAPS from the Gray Institute. His passion is empowering people to help resolve the pain, tension and insomnia that prevents them from living well.

Take something in your routine and make it just a little better. Do that every day and the progress adds up.

With movement, one of the ways you can do this is to slow it down. When you’re moving slow, it’s easier to find where you need to improve. At our movement workshop, I watched someone do one of the drills really fast and spotted an opportunity. I asked him to slow it down and repeat it a few times until it got really balanced and smooth.

“OK, now go back to the fast speed and do it as smooth as that.”

A few tries later, the fast version started looking as good as the slow version. With a little change of pace and focus, he now moved better. Sometimes taking a step back is what you need to move forward.

What do you want to improve this week? What can you do to make small improvements every day?