Deep recovery

Written by Jim Chaput
After a 19-year career in financial services, Jim left a leadership position to focus on health and fitness. Jim is a Master Practitioner of Applied Movement Neurology and holds Certificates in Applied Functional Science and 3DMAPS from the Gray Institute. His passion is empowering people to help resolve the pain, tension and insomnia that prevents them from living well.

The higher the stress you experience, the deeper recovery you need. Stress can come from work, training, relationships or events.

Your body probably can’t differentiate between different types of stress. As a result, you need to be careful about using one type of stress to relieve another. Using intense workouts to overcome other stress might be asking for trouble. Instead, use sleep, meditation, relaxing walks or something low-key that gives you joy.

What do you do to get deep recovery when you need it?

1 Comment

  1. Pat

    Good point. I forwarded that message to my daughters,
    thank you !