A breath of fresh air (by Duncan O’Brien)

Written by Jim Chaput
After a 19-year career in financial services, Jim left a leadership position to focus on health and fitness. Jim is a Master Practitioner of Applied Movement Neurology and holds Certificates in Applied Functional Science and 3DMAPS from the Gray Institute. His passion is empowering people to help resolve the pain, tension and insomnia that prevents them from living well.

I’ve been working with a client for a couple of years now and we had discussed training easy. I’d been influenced by the likes of Phil Maffetone, Dr Buteyko, Dr Wilkinson and John Douillard. All advising taking it easy to build a solid foundation of mitochondrial density first before getting anywhere near race intensity.

Additionally, I saw a lecture given by Stephen Seiler again emphasising the same point. Pro athletes and Olympians could break world records by going slower (lower heart rate) for around 85% of their training time. The client never seemed bought in to this idea and then this morning sent me a message with a link to an article on Medium telling all about this great training revolution.

Sometimes we are the first to share and people don’t seem to care. I’m not going to pull out or cut my hair or feel despair. My only intention is they finally get there. 😉 Sometimes you are the seed, sometimes the water or simply a breath of fresh air.

Have you ever felt like you have the answer for someone, you share, they seem don’t listen, then years later they tell you the same thing?

Do you pretend it’s new, or remind them kindly…


  1. Pat

    Sounds familiar to me as a teacher & a mother. 😂
    It was important to claim the credit in my younger years; now I just nod & smile. Life goes on.

    • Duncs

      🙂 I’m starting to ask myself more and more… do I need to be “right” here or is it enough/way calmer to simply share what I am passionate about and then listen and notice how it all lands.

      • Georgina

        I also used to find this really frustrating. Still do I guess but I let go of it much easier now, I’m learning to let go of my desire to be ‘right’ 😉