Expand your bubble

Expand your bubble

It’s easy to live inside a bubble and not realize it. Sometimes it’s because all the people around you like the same things or share the same beliefs. Other times you lack exposure to new things and it distorts your sense of what’s out there. Trish and I have an...
Who’s in control?

Who’s in control?

People sometimes explain away their bad habits or undesirable behaviors as fixed personality traits. “I have rebel tendencies, I only work well under deadlines, the Myers-Briggs personality test says I’m an INTJ…” Abrogating responsibility for your actions...
Think different

Think different

Games often hold valuable lessons for life. One recent lesson I learned is that it’s unwise to assume other people think like we do. One of my sisters brought over a new dice game last night. Each player rolls 6 dice and the other players cannot see what you have. You...
Choose your path

Choose your path

We all have the same amount of time each day even if it doesn’t feel this way. If you don’t have time to do what you want to do, find a way to make different choices. When you’re too busy to follow your dreams, it’s only a matter of time until you end up...