It is a sad fact that nearly 50% of my blog posts are below average. On the other hand, maybe I should be excited that nearly 50% are above average.
One of the ideas from Mindset by Carol Dweck is that the people who do the most work are more likely to do the best work. This came from a photography class where the professor told half the group they would be graded on quantity, the other half on quality. Most of the best images came from the high volume students. Students who just wanted quality spent too much time planning, not enough time doing.
What keeps you from doing the work in your art of choice? Do you lack ideas or are you so dissatisfied with your ideas that you are unwilling to execute? If you want to be good at something, you need to be willing to do it badly so you can learn to do it better. This is true of anything at which you want to improve. You learn more from what you do than from what you imagine doing. The key is to practice a lot with the intention of doing it well.
How much time are you spending on ideas versus execution?