Is it possible to accomplish something before you believe it is possible? Maybe, but imagine how much harder it must be.
When you think, “That’s impossible!” do you try as hard as you could? Do you wrack your brain looking for the answer, spend hours on research, training or whatever it might take?
Once you believe something is possible, you can find a way. Even if you know you cannot accomplish it yet, knowing it is possible will be the fuel you use to keep trying.
Are you holding yourself back with self-doubt?
Yes … only in the darkness of my doubtful mind. When I am with a client information seems to flow out and then when I comes to study and marketing the vail falls again.
Knowing that clients bring out your best could be the key. What is it about that interaction? After you reflect and identify the key, take that intention or feeling to your study and marketing and see if you get a different result.