by Jim Chaput | Jan 4, 2019 | Jim's Blog
The key to living a fulfilling life is captured elegantly in the Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. When you are feeling angry,...
by Jim Chaput | Jan 3, 2019 | Jim's Blog
I am a bit obsessed with thought models. They can be useful ways to think about things and my logical mind loves the idea of explaining complex things simply. One of the thought models that I love most is one centered on how different people view themselves and the...
by Jim Chaput | Jan 2, 2019 | Jim's Blog
Do we really ever know anything? What does it mean to know something? If you know something that later turns out to be wrong, did you still know it? Is know just another word for believe? I hear people say, “I know what I need to do, I just need to do it.” Maybe you...
by Jim Chaput | Jan 1, 2019 | Jim's Blog
I grew up the youngest of five children, got coke-bottle glasses at a young age and had a goofy haircut for most of my life. As a child, I feel like I had more than my fair share of being picked on, beat up or bullied. No doubt I brought some of this on myself, but it...
by Jim Chaput | Dec 31, 2018 | Jim's Blog
It would be amazing to be a dog in a loving home. Sleep whenever you want…meals prepared like clockwork with abundant treats in between…cuddles on demand…walks in the neighborhood, at the lake, in the woods… On the other hand (or paw, in this case),...
by Jim Chaput | Dec 30, 2018 | Jim's Blog
I am the youngest of five children. Some might say that I was a bit spoiled as a youngster, the baby of the family. Suffice it to say, I was not been known for having a lot of empathy for others, especially when I was younger. How things have changed… In 2013, I...