Why should I believe you?

Why should I believe you?

There are a lot of conspiracy theories going around at the moment. One of things that seems common is that they claim to be an authority and maybe even claim to have scientific evidence. Sometimes these theories are shared by someone you trust. If the source is...
You can do it! (by Trish)

You can do it! (by Trish)

Until my mid-thirties (well before I was a health coach), I routinely ate cereal, a muffin or a bagel for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and pasta for dinner. Tortellini with Alfredo sauce was one of my absolute favorites. Cheese and crackers were a staple in my diet...
“Free” products

“Free” products

We should be wary of companies that give away their “products” as part of their business models. Many social media and big tech companies give away what we think of as their “products.” What we use is not really their product. In fact, our attention is the product...
Spread truth

Spread truth

If you want to help slow the spread of false information, focus on what’s true. Every time you mention the false information in your attempt to debunk it, it becomes more familiar to people. People tend to believe familiar things are true. Go ahead and post your...
Signal versus noise

Signal versus noise

Knowing whether you are making progress towards your goals and whether you need to change your habits requires clear measures, used thoughtfully. If you measure too often, noise accumulates so much that it’s hard to find a good signal. Measure too infrequently and you...
Teach to learn

Teach to learn

One of the clues that you don’t understand something as well as you thought is that you cannot explain it simply. To learn it really well, teach it to others until you can. Preparing to teach will help identify gaps and improve your knowledge. Identifying examples and...