Is it worth it?

Is it worth it?

Trish and I were discussing health and I said I wasn’t willing to optimize my health. She seemed surprised and asked me why. I want great health, but the cost of optimal health is too high. Some of the food and drink I love doesn’t optimize my health. Still, it...


You can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you want to eat it, you must accept that it will be gone. I think this lesson is becoming lost in our culture. During the Patriots game, I saw another disturbing pharmaceutical ad. The poor fellow has type 2 diabetes...
Every benefit has a cost

Every benefit has a cost

Every benefit has a cost. If you can’t see the cost, it might be building up over time and surprise you later. To get in great shape, you must pay with effort in how you eat and exercise. To build up your savings, you must live below your means. If you borrow...
Deep or Wide

Deep or Wide

You can improve 1 or 2 things quickly. Alternatively, you can improve several things slowly. Before you put in your effort, decide what’s important to you. If your balance, posture or another weakness is an urgent issue, find 1 or 2 relevant drills and do those 3-5...
Hindsight isn’t 20/20

Hindsight isn’t 20/20

Hindsight seems like it’s 20/20, but is it? Once you’ve seen a result, it’s easy to come up with reasons why it happened. It might even seem obvious, but what if you’re wrong? It’s human nature to develop stories to rationalize what we experience....

Foot tilts

Here’s a simple ankle mobility drill to improve your proprioception. (Proprioception is your sense of your body in space.) If needed, use a wall or chair to help with balance. Test Range of motion (ROM) baseline: * Forward fold with straight legs (touch your...