3D Step ups

Here is a simple drill to improve the stability of your hips and improve your balance. Use a step or other elevated surface. If needed, use a wall or railing to help you balance. Test Range of motion (ROM) baseline: * Forward fold with straight legs (touch your toes...
Beat the resistance

Beat the resistance

A coach can give you guidance, but you still need to take action. Even when you want the results of change, resistance can be strong. One of the challenges is finding the right actions. Simple actions at which you can be successful will help you beat the resistance....

Come move with us

September is our seventh month of movement workshops at Discover Health FMC. One thing we know for sure, it works. We have seen many people improve their balance and strength in just a few sessions. One of our favorite drills is get down to the floor and back up. Many...
Use your momentum

Use your momentum

Overcoming momentum can be the hardest thing about changing. The things we do every day happen almost automatically. Stopping such behaviors can feel impossible. Instead of stopping that momentum, use a little nudge to change direction. When that is working, give...

Change is inevitable

Change is inevitable, but how you respond to it isn’t. You can drive change or resist it, lament change or embrace it. For a happy life, put your energy towards making the best of change or getting ahead of it. If you’re not satisfied with where things are...
Tools, Methods and Process

Tools, Methods and Process

How do the tools and methods you use affect your process? How does the process you use affect your results? Live versus recorded – When you present live, you have to keep going. If you make a mistake, you correct it and move on. With pre-recording, knowing you...