Do your best

Do your best

If you do something poorly that you could do well, you’re cheating yourself. I often train in group classes at Swift River CrossFit. We’re all doing similar things so it’s easy to compare yourself to others. You can see when people are doing exceptional things...


Does anything affect how you get through life more than assumptions? Assume the worst and you are pleasantly surprised when things turn out better than expected. On the other hand, you might avoid doing a lot of things in the first place. Why bother trying if you know...
Deliberate practice

Deliberate practice

Take something in your routine and make it just a little better. Do that every day and the progress adds up. With movement, one of the ways you can do this is to slow it down. When you’re moving slow, it’s easier to find where you need to improve. At our...
Seeking silver bullets

Seeking silver bullets

Have you ever got a checkup and hoped for something wrong that’s easily solved? Make this simple change and you will feel amazing! I think it’s our natural tendency to want a quick fix. We like to imagine that we can be so much better if we find the silver...
Learn from mistakes or make your own?

Learn from mistakes or make your own?

Sometimes you see someone you care about doing something that you’re sure will end badly. You want to help, so you warn them of their plight. For some reason, they go ahead doing what they were doing. You stand by helplessly, assuming the worst is in store from...

3D Lunge Matrix

Here is one of my favorite drills to get your hips moving. Give it a try and see how it feels. Test Range of motion (ROM) baseline: – Forward fold with straight legs (touch your toes or the floor) – Hip rotation to each side with feet under hips and palms...