by Jim Chaput | Jul 21, 2019 | Jim's Blog
A healthy brain means healthy sleep. Healthy sleep means a healthy brain. It’s a circle. This bit of wisdom came from one of the presenters at an Alzheimer’s summit. Sometimes it’s that simple. Don’t be a square, get in the circle! If a healthy brain is not...
by Jim Chaput | Jul 20, 2019 | Jim's Blog
Excuses Outweigh On-time Deliverables More Disappointment It might seem silly to write a Haiku when someone fails to deliver on time. Compared to my previous approach of ranting and raving, this seems quite healthy. How do you deal with disappointment? PS – If...
by Jim Chaput | Jul 19, 2019 | Jim's Blog
It’s easier to respond to someone else’s idea than to share your ideas first. Going first is taking a risk. What if my idea is bad or sounds stupid? Going first is taking a risk, but it also has benefits. The person who goes first anchors the discussion. The...
by Jim Chaput | Jul 18, 2019 | Jim's Blog
If something “runs in your family,” how much is genetics and how much is what you learned from them? Type 2 diabetes runs in my family. Considering it’s a lifestyle disease, how much is influenced by genetics? It’s impossible to know. Maybe the primary cause was...
by Jim Chaput | Jul 17, 2019 | Jim's Blog, Movement Drills
Each of our feet has 26 bones, 33 joints, more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments and fascia wrapped around it. Feet are meant to be mobile, not trapped in shoes. Use the drill below to give your feet some love and reclaim some movement. The before and after test...
by Jim Chaput | Jul 16, 2019 | Jim's Blog
You can learn about a culture by the expressions people use. Here in America, you hear many references to sports, especially baseball. “He went for some job interviews, but struck out again.” “Wow, they hit a home run with that new phone.” In...