Be worth following

Be worth following

If you want to be a leader, be worth following. First, lead by example. Inspire people through action and model the behavior you value. “Do as I say, not as I do” will not endear you to anyone. Second, empower the people around you to be their best. Find...
Perception is reality

Perception is reality

One of things I wrote about yesterday is getting feedback that surprises you. Indeed, you sometimes receive contradictory feedback. One of my friends said he could not imagine acting in a serious role, but it would be easy for me. I thought that was strange as I...
Knowing is only half the battle

Knowing is only half the battle

I have been reflecting on some quotes… “Ignorance is bliss”…until it eventually catches up with you. A more sustainable approach requires knowledge. If you do not know where you need improvement, get feedback from someone you trust. If the...
Empathize before you offer solutions

Empathize before you offer solutions

Last week I wrote about the how good listeners echo, they don’t relate. Another feature of effective listening is empathizing before you offer solutions. When someone complains or laments their plight, it’s easy to offer a fix. In my experience, that’s not...
It’s never too late to start

It’s never too late to start

Yesterday we had our third June movement workshop. A woman that came to all three workshops made some amazing improvements: Her balance is noticeably better. She is more willing to try just about anything we’re doing. If she can’t yet do a challenging...


Managing reader expectations is one of the ways to make things more readable. Ignoring expectations is a sure way to be ignored or misunderstood. How do you feel when an article, comment or email covers the page without any breaks? A giant paragraph looks exhausting...