

We often influence the people around us, whether we intend to or not. I get the benefits of a healthy diet because Trish buys high quality whole food and avoids most processed food. I have to go out of my way to eat unhealthy food. My recent listening challenge caused...
Give Yourself Options

Give Yourself Options

It is better to have options from which to choose than to have no choice. You interview for a job, but it does seem like the right fit. You should still do your best so the company makes you an offer. If you choose not to accept it, they still have a great feeling...
Echo, don’t relate

Echo, don’t relate

When I was editing my listening update blog post, I shared it with Trish for feedback. We then had a great discussion around conversational habits, especially the ones that frustrate us about ourselves. The biggest mistake a lot of us make is that we explicitly relate...
Listening Update

Listening Update

I’m more than halfway through my listening challenge. The first week was an exhausting battle, but then it started getting easier. Now two and a half weeks into it, it’s paying off. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that conversations have slowed...
Actions speak louder than words

Actions speak louder than words

Yesterday I wrote about learning from children the value of play. They have more to teach us. Children learn more from what they see us do than by what we say. Indeed, actions speak louder than words. You want to get lean, but you eat processed food every day. Cooking...


We had a great movement workshop yesterday. As usual, we challenged people to try lots of things that they would not do on their own. One of the things we did was lie on our backs and roll to our fronts without using our hands. It was more fun than expected and...