It’s not you, it’s me

It’s not you, it’s me

If you find yourself in a similar pattern of relationships, part of the problem might be you and not them. I have few old friends with whom I keep in touch. Not a single friend from high school or before. For many of them, I can’t even remember when we drifted apart...
Keep Going

Keep Going

One of the keys to success is to keep going at the point when most people quit. When things get tough and you want to stop, remind yourself why you do what you do. If your why is enough, you have a reason to keep going. If not, maybe it’s time to change...


Managing expectations can be tricky. If you over promise, your inability to deliver is bound to disappoint. Do this repeatedly and you might be labeled unreliable. If you under promise, the promise itself might disappoint. If you then over deliver, it might make up...
Learn from mistakes

Learn from mistakes

Once you make a mistake, there’s no taking it back. Recognize it, fix it if you can, identify anything to do differently and move on. It’s easy to dwell on mistakes and beat ourselves up for what we should’ve done differently. You can’t change...
Do you give what you want?

Do you give what you want?

Trish and I had an amusing interaction this morning. She was lamenting that she had not yet settled in to her new schedule. With my coaching hat on, I asked her, “How would you settle in to your schedule?” Somehow she misheard me and thought I asked “Why she...
Can you win an argument?

Can you win an argument?

The next time you find yourself in an argument, stop and reflect on what you are trying to achieve. What will you get if you win? Arguments have very little upside for the winner, and lots of downside for everyone involved. An argument suggests that people are not...