by Jim Chaput | May 16, 2019 | Jim's Blog
Many things we need to do to improve our health and happiness are simple actions. So why do we struggle so much? Simple does not mean easy. Go to the gym 3 days per week – simple! Motivate myself to change and drive to the gym – sometimes surprisingly...
by Jim Chaput | May 15, 2019 | Jim's Blog
Things that come easy are not fulfilling, but quick wins keep you going through the inevitable adversity. You learn more from mistakes and struggles than easy success, but success provides motivation to keep moving forward. The easiest way to keep momentum is through...
by Jim Chaput | May 14, 2019 | Jim's Blog
Trish and I constantly learn new things from a lot of different sources. Each source has their own idea of what is most important, so what are we to do? How do we figure out what will have the biggest impact for our clients? Depending on the source, the answer might...
by Jim Chaput | May 13, 2019 | Jim's Blog
A lot of people wish they were a bit slimmer or leaner. This is why there are endless diets, gyms as far as the eye can see and dozens of supplements claiming to be the magic pill you need. Much of the marketing promises fast results. Is this really possible? If it...
by Jim Chaput | May 12, 2019 | Jim's Blog
A lot of times, discomfort comes from contrast. It can be agonizing to wade slowly into a cold lake or river, but jumping in is a second of bracing cold, then you feel fine. A “warm day” in the middle of winter would feel positively chilly in the middle of...
by Jim Chaput | May 11, 2019 | Jim's Blog
Have you looked back on the dreams you had as a child? I remember being really into rock music from a young age. Was it because my older siblings were into it or would I have liked it anyway? In middle school, my best friend and I dreamed of being rock star...