You’re Different

You’re Different

At a barbecue with one of my oldest friends and he says, “You’re different since you came back from London.” My response: “Thank you for noticing.” There are a lot of ways I could have taken it, but I am different and I am happy about it. Less focused on money,...
Method Acting

Method Acting

Method acting does not seem like acting. It seems more like becoming the thing that you are supposed to act that you are. Once you become it, it is no longer an act. This might explain why some of the most successful performances are by method actors. What could be...
Check out this guy!

Check out this guy!

We were on a busy train on the way to some airport. Trish was reading, I was blissfully listening to my favorite band, wearing my amazingly effective noise-cancelling headphones. The train stopped to pick up more passengers and one of the new arrivals decided to put...
April Challenge Reflections

April Challenge Reflections

April has come and gone and with it the first SimplyBetter Growth Challenge. What went well I did my marketing activity most days. I missed a day here and there, but still did something on more than 20 days. I found and read a book focused on how to develop a cash...


A friend of mine was asked to speak and run a workshop at an event. He told the organizer that his rate was 1,000 (well beyond the event budget), but he would do it for free. He was following a successful speaker’s advice – charge your full rate or do it for...


A recent social media post from a Canadian who laments the privatization of health care in the US concludes, “Americans do not understand the meaning of freedom.” Do Americans agree on anything? Probably not, not even something as fundamental as freedom. To one...