by Jim Chaput | Apr 28, 2019 | Jim's Blog
We have all had times when we remember events differently than someone else that was also there. You are each sure you remember the event correctly, but differently from each other. Is confidence in our memories related to accuracy? It seems unlikely, so if we believe...
by Jim Chaput | Apr 27, 2019 | Jim's Blog
You probably cannot change someone else’s mind, but you might be able to persuade them to change their own mind. Statements that contradict their beliefs will probably increase resistance to change. This is why reverse psychology can work. If you know someone hates to...
by Jim Chaput | Apr 26, 2019 | Jim's Blog
I recently watched a free webinar that ended with a big sales pitch. You get 8 different things valued between $297 and $1,997 for a total of $10,779, but you pay just $1,997! Um, no thank you. I wonder how they determined the value of each part. Have they sold each...
by Jim Chaput | Apr 25, 2019 | Jim's Blog
I was at a workshop in which the speaker discussed the principles of moving well in training to improve results and reduce injury risk. One of the movements demonstrated was push ups. They seem simple enough, but how you do them affects the health of your shoulders...
by Jim Chaput | Apr 24, 2019 | Jim's Blog
It is hard to maintain skills at peak performance. You need to either make an effort to improve or accept that your performance will decline at least a little bit from its peak. To get improvement, it is not enough to use the skill. Some that many of us use every day...
by Jim Chaput | Apr 23, 2019 | Jim's Blog
As much as I am enjoying the warm spring weather, I am not thrilled about porcupine season. In the last couple of years, Roli has managed to attack two porcupines. The first one was hidden in a gully, he jumped over our fence to get the other. Both resulted in...