Has spring unsprung?

Has spring unsprung?

My announcement of the arrival of spring in the mountains might have been premature. We have received another six inches of snow. (According to Trish, I might have jinxed us.) The convertible is back in the garage until all the new snow melts, but the little taste of...
What do you mean?

What do you mean?

When someone says something that upsets you, do you assume the worst or ask what they meant by it? When the offending message is a text or email, how do you know the tone you imagine is what they intended? How much misunderstanding can you avoid by asking, “What do...
Seeking advice or empathy?

Seeking advice or empathy?

Offering advice to someone who is upset or frustrated is a hard habit to break. You hear their complaint and think, “I know how you can fix that.” You proceed to share your wisdom, but this is usually not welcome. What gives? Unless the person asked for advice,...
Spring has sprung

Spring has sprung

It’s official, spring has arrived. It was our first day this year driving around with the top down. There is just something about driving around and seeing open sky. Roli is not thrilled that all of his snow is melting away, but he was very happy to feel the wind in...
Ask for what you want

Ask for what you want

Trish and I had a funny interaction last night. She drafted a message, then asked me, “What do you think of this?” Me: “Looks good.” (I meant it.) She promptly edited it and then asked me about version 2. Me: “Looks good.” (I still meant it.) She then...


Here we are at blog post 100. I can scarcely believe how fast the days have gone by. Although this project is quite challenging at times (when I need to finish something tonight to publish tomorrow), the has been the most therapeutic habit I have ever developed....