

Repetition is the master of adaptation. This is true for your bad habits as well as your good ones. You get better at the things you do most frequently, not the things you do occasionally with the best intentions. -Katy Bowman No doubt that we all have areas in which...
Make your misses hits

Make your misses hits

When trying to improve your performance, you can maximize your strengths to increase your highs or improve your weaknesses to reduce your lows. How do you know which to do? Figure out which is easier to improve or which will more significantly improve your average. An...
SimplyBetter Growth Challenge

SimplyBetter Growth Challenge

After listening to the Mindset audiobook the last few days, I am inspired to help myself and others reinforce the growth mindset. Knowing we can improve is one thing, taking action is another. My challenge for you is to pick one thing to work on for the next month. I...
Observe and learn (don’t judge)

Observe and learn (don’t judge)

When Trish and I met, I was working as a security guard. Honestly, it was a bit embarrassing for me. I took the job when I was somewhat desperate for money and it paid ok, but it was not very fulfilling and seemed like a waste of my potential. How did I end up there?...
The power of constraints

The power of constraints

When I first started writing essays in preparation for starting my blog, I used one-word titles. I liked the idea of boiling the blog post down to a key word. After about 10 essays, I realized that one-word titles might be too restrictive, so I ditched that idea. I do...
Set audacious goals

Set audacious goals

The risk of reaching for easy goals is that you might meet them, not realizing how much more you could have accomplished. If instead you reach for goals that are audacious, you are likely to achieve great things even if you fall a bit short. If you could accomplish...