by Jim Chaput | Mar 17, 2019 | Jim's Blog
When you fix a problem, use the simplest solution available. Simple solutions tend to be easy to implement (and stop if needed). This allows you to save more complex solutions for when simple solutions no longer work. What keeps you from trying a simple...
by Jim Chaput | Mar 16, 2019 | Jim's Blog
When you ask someone to do something for you, be specific about when you need it and the standard you want them to meet. If your expectations are unclear, expect to be disappointed. If you tend to minimize requests, “It will only take you two minutes,” what are you...
by Jim Chaput | Mar 15, 2019 | Jim's Blog
Think about your typical day. How much of your time is spent on things that are not important to you? For that “wasted” time, how much of it is required to support the things that are important to you? Could you automate any of this or make it more efficient?...
by Jim Chaput | Mar 14, 2019 | Jim's Blog
If you seek growth, you need to look outside your comfort zone. Small discomforts can promote slow, steady growth. Try a new class at the gym or hire a personal trainer to push you a bit. Becoming a beginner again can help you see what other people go through when...
by Jim Chaput | Mar 13, 2019 | Jim's Blog
Project managers focus on three variables – scope, resources and deadline. To complete the project successfully, you must always control at least one of the variables. * If scope and resources are fixed, you must be able to move the deadline. * If the scope and...
by Jim Chaput | Mar 12, 2019 | Jim's Blog
At our movement workshop on Saturday, someone asked about the use of orthotics. My instinct was to say that you should work on correcting the issue so that you no longer need orthotics. Of course, it is not that simple and each person must be considered as an...