Improve instead of optimize

Improve instead of optimize

I previously wrote about the downside of optimizing. If you still want to optimize something, first make sure you have the basics covered. If your car has a flat tire, switching to high octane fuel is probably not going to help much. Struggle to run a mile? New...
It’s good to be home

It’s good to be home

Nearly 7 years at our flat in London was the longest time I lived in one place after moving out of my childhood home. It was an amazing flat, with wall-to-wall vertical sliding glass doors that led to a private garden. With all of the doors open, the breeze and sounds...
My CrossFit journey so far

My CrossFit journey so far

I first stumbled onto CrossFit in 2009. I had started the year with a resolution to lose weight. More than 10 years of corporate life had not been kind to my body; I had gained 40 pounds and got to the point that I felt badly after most meals. Initially, I started...
Is optimizing worth it?

Is optimizing worth it?

Optimizing anything means sacrificing many other things. Optimizing performance as an athlete or in your career might mean sacrificing quality of life when you get older, longevity, time with friends and family and more. Some of the BMX freestyle athletes I admired...
The silliness of road trips

The silliness of road trips

We were on a long drive down a typical American road with lots of businesses and signs along the way. On this particular road, one that always catches our eye. Just Oil and More Wait, what? Is it just oil or oil and more? I imagine sitting in the meeting, CEO. “We...
Messages from your parents

Messages from your parents

I got into a fair bit of trouble when I was a kid. One of the things that seems funny now is when I did something that my parents did not like and I said, “but I thought…,” my step-father would respond, “That’s what you get for thinking.” Not sure exactly...