Are you going the wrong way?

Are you going the wrong way?

When you are trying to get somewhere, you need to know where you are starting from to know which way to go. This was reinforced for me last winter when I got to an unmarked fork on the trail and proceeded to snowshoe three miles in the wrong direction. Luckily for me,...
How long does it take to make a change?

How long does it take to make a change?

According to Trish, me making a change is like flipping a switch. As Trish describes it, “One day you announce you are going to do something and then you just do it every day. I have never seen anyone else do that and stick with it.” Do I really find it so easy...
The Joy of Applied Movement Neurology (AMN)

The Joy of Applied Movement Neurology (AMN)

It has been a few years now since I began studying AMN. As I continue to explore the incredible potential of what what we do, I am still amazed by how much we improve the our clients’ lives. It has been an amazing journey, and I look forward to seeing where else it...
Don’t pigeonhole me

Don’t pigeonhole me

I really love music, but it has been challenging to find new albums that I really love. One way I find new music is recommendations from other people. Trish loves to mention that she turned me onto Nine Inch Nails. My friend Niki turned me onto The National and...
Is what you do, who you are?

Is what you do, who you are?

I have has some interesting discussions recently about who we are versus what we do. For example, Trish and I were discussing how I think of her as an artist, but she thinks of herself as someone who has made some paintings. Do you need to be working on current...
The story you tell yourself

The story you tell yourself

The first time I recall someone talking about “your story” was back in 2013 at Ido Portal’s Movement Camp in Singapore. One of the coaches, Jozef Frucek said, “You are your story. The story you tell yourself.” This was one of the great lessons of that life-changing...