Frozen Lake

Frozen Lake

Frigid wind blows through bare trees as snow falls lightly the frozen lake groans Inspired by an early winter walk at Chocorua Lake. I am grateful to live in such a beautiful...
Slow and steady wins the race

Slow and steady wins the race

A few months ago I decided to try something new. I made a commitment that each day, I would do at least one thing to move my movement therapy business forward. It could be anything: Help a client Refine a technique Update our website Write an essay The key was that...
Maybe it wasn’t about me

Maybe it wasn’t about me

Many years ago, I saw a family friend that I had not seen since I was a kid. I said hello and I saw in her eyes that she did not recognize me. I was puzzled, maybe even a bit insulted. After all that time our families spent together, how could she forget me so easily?...
A home that gives you joy

A home that gives you joy

In 2015, I traveled from our home in London to Dublin, Ireland for Web Summit, an annual technology conference. Much to the bewilderment of Trish, I came back from the conference enamored with the idea of tidying. Strange as it might seem, the most profound speaker...
Is it talent or skill?

Is it talent or skill?

I started thinking about talent versus skill after reading a comment on Twitter, which I have since given up (it no longer gave me joy). Iona Italia, a sub-editor of Areo commented on one of antihero_kate’s posts saying that she would love to work with Kate...
Beware the undertow of negativity

Beware the undertow of negativity

My first corporate job was as an internal auditor at a Fortune 500 company that had an excellent culture of developing people. This seven-year experience prepared me well for the rest of my auditing career and anything else I want to accomplish. The only downside was...