Personal growth opportunities (by Trish)

Personal growth opportunities (by Trish)

Am I a slow walker, a fast walker or somewhere in between? Well, it depends… When Jim, Roli and I hike together, I am often the slowest. When I walk with other people, however, I am often in the lead. So, in this example, it depends who I compare myself to.

If I am on easy and familiar territory, I walk confidently and quickly. If I am on a steep incline or rocky trail with lots of tripping hazards, I am more slow and careful. My speed and skill level depends on the conditions.

When Jim and I used to play beach volleyball, how proficient we were depended somewhat on the level of the people playing against us. If we played people with less skill or experience than us, we might win handily and feel really good about our game. If we played against people who were a lot better than us, we’d get crushed and feel like we didn’t know how to play well at all.

Likewise, when I played flute in high school, I earned the rank of first chair in the band and was often given solo parts. I felt pretty confident in my abilities. When I tried out for district-wide band, I got in by the skin of my teeth and was last chair, surrounded by kids that were far better musicians than me. I realized quickly that I had been a big fish in a little pond…

It can be tempting to surround yourself with people that are less skilled than you, in order to feel better about your abilities. Playing with, or competing against, those who challenge our abilities can be humbling and it also offers immense opportunity for growth.

How could you turn challenges into opportunities for personal growth?

Hopefully, my questions cause you to reflect on your own thinking, relationships or choices. Maybe I even inspire you to make positive changes.

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Jim's Blog

Thoughts, musings and reflections