Black Friday Opportunity

Black Friday Opportunity

It’s that time of year again, national “consume as much as you can” day. It seems like every company that has my email has an offer for me.

Instead of buying more things I don’t really need, I’m taking an opportunity to tidy my email. I have unsubscribed from several lists, including companies whose products no longer give me joy or are an unwanted temptation. What’s the harm? If I need something from them, I can always find them. If not, maybe I can find something even better.

How many subscriptions (and other things) do you keep just in case? What could you make room for if you let them go?

Hopefully, my questions cause you to reflect on your own thinking, relationships or choices. Maybe I even inspire you to make positive changes.

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Personal responsibility

Personal responsibility

I pulled into the gas station today and saw liquid flowing from under a car. It wasn’t raining, so I went to the pump and sure enough gas was overflowing from their tank while people were sitting in the car, oblivious to the danger. I ran over and told a woman their...

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Irrational guilt

Irrational guilt

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No silver bullets

No silver bullets

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Personal growth opportunities (by Trish)

Personal growth opportunities (by Trish)

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Weird advice

Weird advice

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The path forward

The path forward

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Short-term wins, long-term losses

Short-term wins, long-term losses

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New month, new habits

New month, new habits

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Choice versus obligation

Choice versus obligation

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Teamwork (by Trish)

Teamwork (by Trish)

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Daily or never

Daily or never

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Jim's Blog

Thoughts, musings and reflections