No rational explanation

No rational explanation

One of the challenges with correcting irrational behavior is that there may be no rational explanation for why it occurred. I recently flew off the handle and I’m not sure why. What exactly should I do to avoid it next time?

I’m hoping that non-violent communication has the answer. If I feel myself heating up, it’s time to put on giraffe ears. Instead of focusing on me, I should think about the other person’s unmet needs. I think it will be harder to be frustrated or angry when I focus on someone else.

When you realize you overreacted or behaved irrationally, what do you do to fix it?

PS – I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s guest post from Duncan. If you are interested in exploring your inner author and would like to be a guest contributor, send me a message.

Hopefully, my questions cause you to reflect on your own thinking, relationships or choices. Maybe I even inspire you to make positive changes.

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A little push

A little push

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Make it easy

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Jim's Blog

Thoughts, musings and reflections