I have been reflecting on some quotes…
“Ignorance is bliss”…until it eventually catches up with you. A more sustainable approach requires knowledge.
If you do not know where you need improvement, get feedback from someone you trust. If the feedback seems wrong, stop and ask how the feedback applies to you. “Perception is reality to the perceiver,” so the person who gave it to you believes it’s accurate.
Of course, “knowing is half the battle.” Once you identify an opportunity to improve, you need to act on that knowledge. Performance coach Janey Brown has a nice way of thinking about it. She calls it the TrifectA:
- Awareness – recognize what you did
- Acceptance – accept it (no judgement)
- Adjustment – choose to make a change and act
“Wisdom is knowledge applied.” The more you use the TrifectA, the more wisdom you accumulate and the closer you get to who you want to become.
What do you need in order to move forward…awareness, acceptance or adjustment?
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