No silver bullets

Written by Jim Chaput
After a 19-year career in financial services, Jim left a leadership position to focus on health and fitness. Jim is a Master Practitioner of Applied Movement Neurology and holds Certificates in Applied Functional Science and 3DMAPS from the Gray Institute. His passion is empowering people to help resolve the pain, tension and insomnia that prevents them from living well.

I was reviewing a new supplement that sounds like exactly what I need:

“End Deadly Leaky Gut, Defend Against The World’s Deadliest Diseases. The Last and ONLY Healthy Gut Supplement You Will Ever Need”

It’s from a company that offers great nutrition advice focused on eating whole foods that are nutrient-dense. This is right up my alley, so I watched their video and read through the details. If I take this supplement every morning, I will shed weight and my gut will be healthier than ever. Sounds amazing!

Then Trish and I looked closer at what it actually contains. Magnesium, chromium, tributyrin and a couple of fruit extracts. As great as the benefits sound, we both realized it’s not as good as eating right and won’t make up for a bad diet.

The disappointing truth is that most of us need to make better choices before we consider supplements. Until we are making good choices 80 to 90% of the time, supplements may be a waste of money.

Are you looking for a supplement that allows you to make bad choices?