I enjoy a lot of things that I didn’t like when I was younger. I regularly eat squash and spinach, sometimes even meatloaf. I listen to all types of music, including bands and genres that I was sure I didn’t like.
With food, it was just a matter of trying something that Trish or someone else made. I knew if I didn’t like it, it would be no big deal and I would skip it next time. In most cases I realized I either liked it or could tolerate it for the nutritional benefit. I know some people have strong revulsion to certain foods and I can understand avoiding those. For anything else, try it again and you might find that your palate has changed. If not, no harm done.
With music, I wonder whether I really didn’t like it back then. As a kid, I remember saying I did or didn’t like certain things to be the same as my friends. Did I even know whether I liked it? In other cases, maybe I assumed I didn’t like it and never gave it a chance. Maybe it’s a little of both. Trish and I have accumulated an eclectic music collection over the years. Slowly and surely I’ve expanded my comfort zone well beyond what I ever expected. At this point, I’ll give anything a chance and then decide how I feel about it.
What’s something you like now that you never thought you would?
A few things I have grown to like are:
Certain Foods, Music and “Staying at home.”
Eggplant surprises me…delicious!
I enjoy Gerry Garcia’s tunes 🎶 a lot.
There are things about “staying home” I never realized could be fun.
Like: Cooking healthy meals and Relaxing/taking care of myself.
Who knew!!