I finally put my summer car back on the road. A sporty BMW convertible, it stays in the garage for the winter and usually comes out mid-spring when there’s no danger of snow. I was not so lucky this year.
Last autumn I realized I needed new rear tires to pass inspection and decided to wait until spring. Why spend the money right before putting the car away for the winter? Then stay at home restrictions happened and the tires were out of stock and delayed for over 6 weeks.
The delay was so long that one of the locals saw me at the lake with my Jeep and asked me when the M3 was coming out. (Small town living at its best.) As soon as I drove it today, I lamented my previous decisions. How many beautiful days have I missed the joy of the open sky?
It might seem funny if you don’t care about the car you drive. For me, this is the first car I have ever owned that did not leave me wishing I could afford the car I really wanted. I’ve had it since 2009 and expect to have it until one of us no longer functions. (Hopefully, I will last longer than the car.)
Life is short; what are you putting off that you should do as soon as you can?