What not to do

Photo by Jim Chaput
Written by Jim Chaput
After a 19-year career in financial services, Jim left a leadership position to focus on health and fitness. Jim is a Master Practitioner of Applied Movement Neurology and holds Certificates in Applied Functional Science and 3DMAPS from the Gray Institute. His passion is empowering people to help resolve the pain, tension and insomnia that prevents them from living well.

Think about your typical day. How much of your time is spent on things that are not important to you?

For that “wasted” time, how much of it is required to support the things that are important to you? Could you automate any of this or make it more efficient? For example, set all of your monthly bills to auto-pay. Use your time on your commute to do something important.

Is there anything in your wasted time that is not required to support the things that are important to you? If it is not important to you, why do you spend any time on it? In the short term, maybe you have some obligations that are not easy to cut loose, but sooner or later you need to find another way.

If you stop doing the things that are not important to you, how much time could you free up for the things that matter?


  1. Duncs

    Great question… I often feel I’ve. not achieve much in any given day. And was listening to a clip on YouTube about this just now. The advice was first to wake up and smile about being alive. Then to make sure that we are ON. Not on autopilot but on and open for experiencing life.

    So I’m going to stop hitting autopilot mode (when I notice).

    • Pat

      Thank you for stopping me dead in my tracks .
      This is definitely a major problem in my life, wasting time , Years go by and the same piles of junk are still waiting for me to sort them out . I keep finding more and more reasons to procrastinate .
      I have surrounded myself with needless projects that just frustrate me because they are meaningless .built myself a trap .
      Maybe this is what causes them not to form in the bottom of my right foot .
      When I clear my mind then not seems to soften.
      But the Meaningless projects are still there and the knot comes back .
      Today I will eliminate one of those projects .
      Starting now!

  2. Jim Chaput

    Being present is a constant challenge. Multi-tasking is being bad at several things at once. Go all in on what you are doing until you are done, then move on to the next thing and go all in on that as well. Sounds simple, but it is not easy.

    • Pat

      Perfect timing.
      Perfect advice.
      I am focused and hopeful.