“Fight fire with fire” sounds catchy and yet it seems like a bad idea. In most cases, wouldn’t you put a fire out with anything but fire?
If Roli pulls excessively, me pulling him back is probably not going to help. If I teach him that whoever pulls hardest wins, what should I expect him to do? Instead, I need to stop every time he pulls so he learns pulling is fruitless. Alternatively, I can redirect his attention to something else so pulling hard does not reward him.
If I’m debating with someone and they get angry, will me getting angry help? Probably not; I should either diffuse the situation or walk away. If I know I cannot control my emotions around certain topics, it might be best to avoid those debates. Alternatively, I can just ask the other person why they feel the way they do and empathize the best I can.
When (if ever) does fighting fire with fire actually work?
Enough fighting. If there’s a fire, and you can’t put it out, walk away.
It’s Time for Peace.
Peace on Earth.
🎄How about having Christmas in July!! 🎉👍😄